Product Design & Development Management
Dr. Mairi Mcinytre, The University of Warwick - Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)
23th – 27th March 2016 Yıldız Technical University, Beşiktaş Campus
‘‘Industrial R&D and Technology Management Postgraduate Programme’’ and ‘‘MSc in Engineering Business Management’’ are offered by The University of Warwick in association with Yıldız Technical University and Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM). The program will give the participants access to the unique expertise of WMG, together with the opportunity to achieve a postgraduate qualification from The University of Warwick, internationally renowned and one of the top universities in the UK.
Modules will be delivered in English by the tutors of WMG of University of Warwick on YTU's main campus located in Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey. A module consists of 40 hours over 5 days of direct tuition usually delivered in an intensive, full-immersion block followed by 60 hours self-study leading to the completion of an industrial based “Post Module Assignment (PMA)”
Participants successfully completing modules may carry the credit from those modules forward into MSc. (9 modules and a work related dissertation required)
*Product Design & Develoment Management module will be delivered by Dr. Mairi Mcintyre between 23th -27th March 2016 at Yıldız Technical University.
*In this module, Peter Lynam who is British Airways’ ex-head of network operations, will also share his experience as a guest speaker.
Dr. Mairi Macintyre
Mairi Macintyre is Principal Teaching Fellow at WMG with a focus on Service Systems, Design and Development Management.
Mairi is the course director for the MSc course Service Management and Design. She has also been responsible for leading a joint team including the universities of Warwick, Cardiff, Cranfield, Bristol and Bath to develop Master's level courses from emergent service science research.
Mairi has also led a number of funded projects supported by the Knowledge Transfer Partnership of the Technology Strategy Board. Her interest in combining rigour with relevance has enabled her to repeatedly gain and sustain industry and public sector engagement in research projects. She has worked collaboratively with the UK Lean Aerospace Initiative and aerospace companies to develop and deliver lean insights and practice. Mairi was Principal Investigator of the major EPSRC-funded project 'Agility in Self Care', investigating the management of complex systems.
Mairi was lead co-editor of the Springer 2011 book 'Service Design and Delivery' which explores strategies used in the design and management of services across various sectors. Her work on lean implementation in the NHS has been published in the British Medical Journal.
Innovation and introduction of new products to the market is one of the fundamental processes in industry. Design and development and introduction of new products is hence the key to renewal and regeneration of industry and the long term competitiveness and survival of manufacturing companies.
Intensification of competition, rapidly changing technologies and shorter product life cycles, require an integrated approach to management of product development in order to create better quality products with enhanced capabilities, at attractive prices with compressed time to market cycles. Today customers often buy products without making a conscious distinction between tangible product, service or brand. This module concentrates on the management of the processes of product design, development, and introduction as an integrated whole from ideas and concept stage to customer, and in service.
- Product development process
- Effective Design Management
- Lean New Product Introduction
- The relationship of tangible product and brand
- Management of creativity
- Concurrent Engineering
- Organisation for effective product design and development
- Design protection and intellectual property rights
- Case study
- Tools, Techniques, and Technologies including;
Concept generation and Selection
Design for Assembly/Manufacture
Life Cycle Costing and Design to Cost
Design Validation - Industrial Experiences
- User / Customer View
- Innovative Products
For registration and further information:
Tel: 0212 383 21 35 – 0212 383 21 04
University of Warwick - Warwick Manufacturing Group