12 August 2017

The 10 Best University in the World

  One of my best and prominent journals is THE. Click on ‘THE’ and keep reading articles when you have time after work. I would like to recommend it. I would share the last year’s top university list.
The Times Higher Education (THE) has released its annual World University Rankings for the 2015-2016 academic year, highlighting 800 of the most prestigious academic institutions from 70 different countries.

  Universities included in the World University Rankings are required to teach undergraduates and produced at least 1,000 research articles between 2010 and 2014 (or 200 per year). THE then judged these research-intensive universities across the following areas:

  Teaching: the learning environment, which includes a university's reputation, staff-to-student ratio, doctorate-to-bachelor's, and institutional income
Research: a university's research reputation, research income, and research productivity
Citations: the number of times a university's published work is cited by scholars globally
International outlook: a university's international-to-domestic-student ratio, international-to-domestic-staff ratio, and international collaboration
Industry income: a university's ability to help with innovations, inventions and consultancy
The data showed that universities in the United States have begun to lose their dominance in the world rankings. While almost a fifth of the 800 institutions are located in the U.S., the numbers are decreasing each year. In part, this may be due to "improved coverage of research not published in English and a better geographical spread of responses to our academic reputation survey," according to Phil Baty, THE rankings editor.

The top of  25 universities, the United States is well represented by 17 institutions from across the country. Click through to see which universities made the list:

1. Harvard University
2. Stanford University
3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4. University of California, Berkeley
5. University of Cambridge
6. Princeton University
7. California Institute of Technology
8. Columbia University
9. University of Chicago
10. University of Oxford

I wish I read a few Turkish universities on the list anyway. I have some smart students who can go and study at those universities. 
