12 April 2010


Buyuk Kolej Primary School English department is looking for

* Native speakers of English with an excellent command;
* University degree and teaching certificate;
* At least three years of experience in teaching English to young children especially for

Kindergarten and First grade,
* Excellent interpersonal and communication skills;
* Respect for the core values and competencies of the United Nations, including integrity,

Professionalism and respect for diversity.

The school is located near the city center of the capital city, Ankara in respectable neighborhood.
The school ranges from pre-school to High School and has a total of about1000 students.
The Primary School has about 500 students and is situated in a different part of the school to the High School.
The school website can be seen at http://www.buyukkolej.k12.tr/

Please send a resume to English Department:
Hale Cavusoglu: halecavusoglu@buyukkolej.k12.tr


Meltem AGAOGLU said...

I've been looking for a job in Ankara! Thanks a lot

Erkin said...

You're welcome. U can give her a ring, 90 312 4466676 /1524

M.A said...
